SOAP Journaling in 2013
Many people make New Year's commitments to read the Bible
every day. As you start 2013, you may be considering whether or not to make
daily Bible reading a habit in your life. I want to encourage you to go for it
(even if you read this post after the beginning of 2013).
The S.O.A.P. method is a great way to feed yourself spiritually on the Word of God. And it's a simple tool to pass on to anyone that you are discipling to make disciples.
S - Scripture
O - Observation
A - Application
P - Prayer
Recently, my friend Steve Ogne sent me some simple instructions with a great list of questions to ask for using this method effectively.
How Do I Study the Bible?
STOP and clear your mind.
PRAY and ask God to speak.
READ the passage in a comfortable translation/.
ASK the right questions.
WRITE your insights, questions, and applications.
S - Scripture
-- What testament am I in? (before or after Christ)
-- What kind of literature is it? (history, law, prophets, poetry, gospel, letters)
-- Who is writing to whom and why?
-- Copy the verses that spoke to you into your journal.
O - Observation
-- What are the commands to obey?
-- What are the promises to claim?
-- What does it teach me about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit?
-- What questions do I have?
A - Application
-- How will this truth change me or my family?
-- Where do I fall short and who can help me?
-- What will I change in my attitudes, behaviors, or relationships?
-- What will I do today as a result of this study?
P - Prayer
-- Where do you need God's help?
-- Where do you need God's forgiveness?
-- What are you thankful for?
-- Write them in a prayer right now.
The most important part of using this S.O.A.P. method is your commitment to obey God and His Word. Your response in loving obedience to what you've just read and studied is critical.
Don't skip asking and answering the question in bold above!
The apostle James writes, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
Today's Missional Challenge: Commit yourself to feed yourself spiritually on God's Word everyday in 2013! Start SOAP Journaling!
How do you feed your soul?
How will you become spiritually
Journaling is an excellent way to
both record and process what God has spoken to you. It's also a useful tool to
reflect on and review some of the 'learnings' that you have received. Without
writing them down, you may forget those blessings and some very important
lessons! And while journaling is a very personal time with the Lord, you may
want to share some of your daily journaling with your core group, or others who
don’t yet know Jesus. By discussing what you learn with others, you may be able
to look deeper into what God is speaking to you, gain new insight and even
encourage others.
Select the passage of Scripture for
today’s reading. Ask God to speak to you through His Word. Then take time
reading to hear from God. When you are done, look for the verse(s) that spoke
to you that day, and copy into your journal.
What is the meaning of what you’ve
just read? What is the author intending to communicate to his readers?
Paraphrase and write the meaning in your own words in your journal.
Personalize what you have read by
asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is
instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or corrections for a
particular area of your life. Write down how you would obey this Scripture in
your life today. Include a statement that starts “I will…”
This can be as simple as asking God
to help you obey this Scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may
be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two way conversation, so be sure to
listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.
It may be helpful to create an Index at the front of your journal that helps you find a particular journal entry in the future that spoke to you. Each day, copy the Date, Key Verse, Main Idea, and Page Number into your Index.
Now SHARE what God has taught
you with someone else. As you discover how to follow Jesus, help others around
you to follow Jesus.
Kamu akan menyesal seumur hidup jika kamu tidak pernah mencoba bermain togel online di 5 bandar togel terpercaya. Bandar togel ini beda dengan yang lain. Di sini kamu akan mendapatkan bonus melimpah dengan mudah!